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Dissertation Information for Richard M. Justice

- Richard M. Justice

- Ph.D.

- Instructional Technology

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Thomas M. Schwen

- Ivor Davies
- Timothy T. Baldwin
- Nelson H Goud

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Auditing and aligning training development strategy in a multinational corporation: A case study

Abstract: This action research case study describes the strategic decisions and activities of a Fortune 500 company as it attempts to align the training strategies of its global manufacturing sites. The process of aligning the training strategies is done in the context of an "ill-structured" problem that is characterized by multiple solutions, multiple solution paths, and no universal agreement on the appropriate solution. The study investigates how the implementation of a compliance audit process addressed the ill-structured problem by providing standardized training processes, programs, policies and procedures used in a rapidly changing regulated environment. It also examines the barriers to audit programs and how the corporation addressed each barrier.

This study uses a classic embedded case study design to investigate the process of auditing 22 decentralized training departments located in Europe, Central America, and the United States within one company. The study occurred over a 24-month period of time. The data describe the results of the audits in terms of capability and capacity of the training and development units. The data are analyzed through the use of an Engeström Extended Activity Theory model that examines the social interactions in order to understand the decisions made and actions taken. The Activity Theory model examines the social interactions between the auditors, the audit tool, the rules and regulations, and the training communities in pursuit of standardized training practices. Using action research methodology, conclusions are drawn that provide pragmatic solutions to strategy alignment.

Results of this study consider the importance of context, resources and management validation of the decisions made as well as makes recommendations for the audit process, the auditors, and creating solutions to align training strategies. Analytic generalization is accomplished by linking the particular case to the Engeström Extended Activity Theory framework providing conceptual, as well as, pragmatic results.

MPACT Scores for Richard M. Justice

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-26 19:04:57

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