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Dissertation Information for Amy Arthur

- Amy Arthur

- Ph.D.

- Nursing

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Melinda M Swenson

- Diane M. Billings
- Sharon Sims
- Joanne Warner

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Bridging sense and sensibility: A precepting pedagogy for nurse practitioner education

Abstract: Background . Faculty members teaching in the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) major at Indiana University School of Nursing use a Narrative-Centered Curriculum approach, unique in the United States (Swenson & Sims, 2000). Early evaluation of the curriculum suggests that the master's degree students in this major learn, interact, and perhaps practice in ways different from students educated in more traditional classrooms. One explanation for those differences could be the comprehensive interaction (encouraged by the use of narrative) between students and didactic educators. This study investigates another plausible explanation: experiences between the student and their clinical preceptor.

Purpose . This qualitative inquiry describes the experiences of FNP students and preceptors during the fourth clinical semester to determine how those interactions contribute to transition into practice. Methods. The study uses a Naturalistic Inquiry approach suited for answering questions about the nature and quality of a person's experience in their natural environment (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). For this study, the investigator interviewed four FNP students and three clinical preceptors in the clinical setting.

Results . Findings include a detailed qualitative description of individual experiences of students and preceptors in the clinical setting, while the student is also experiencing the Narrative-Centered Curriculum in the classroom. This author also identifies two predominant patterns: (1) Sense and (2) Sensibility. Sense refers to knowledge, science, prudence, education, practicality, empirical fact, and "using one's head." Sensibility, on the other hand, portrays wisdom, art, emotional awareness, sensitiveness or sensitivity, feeling, responsiveness, style, intuition, and "using one's heart." Results regarding curricula, clinical teaching, student learning in the clinical area, and the effect of a Narrative-Centered Curriculum on teaching and learning may be useful to nurse practitioner educators, preceptors, and graduates as they enter and transition into the field of advanced practice nursing.

MPACT Scores for Amy Arthur

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-26 20:48:23

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