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Dissertation Information for Irvin Andrew Teasdale

- Irvin Andrew Teasdale

- Ph.D.

- Instructional Systems Technology

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Thomas M. Schwen

- Annie Lang
- Elizabeth Boling
- Jonathan A. Plucker

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Building learning systems: A study of the design and implementation of two corporate learning systems

Abstract: Information technology advances and the continuing development of specifications for learning content are changing the way learning content is developed, stored, and presented in the corporate environment. This change is occurring as organizations continue to rethink training strategies, information technology use, and how information technology can best serve the organization in an increasingly global economy. Using an action research approach, this paper reports the design, development, and implementation of two systems for creating, storing, and presenting learning content in a large manufacturing organization. One system, a database-based application, is explained in detail; including its entity relationship diagram, table data, and schema. The attempt to integrate this system into the larger IT environment is presented. The second system, a set of tools and process for creating web-based SCORM-conformant (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) courses, is described. The description includes observations on content meta-data requirements and opportunities, reusable learning objects, and reusable interaction objects. The attempt to integrate this system into the larger organizational context is also provided. These two cases illustrate: the need for project management and information technology partners to carefully manage risk in the development and implementation of learning applications, the role of champions in learning technology innovation, the need for well-defined exit strategies, and the tension between core business needs and organizational learning.

MPACT Scores for Irvin Andrew Teasdale

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-27 15:39:05

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