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Dissertation Information for Richard Marciano

- Richard Marciano

- Ph.D.

- Computer Science

- University of Iowa (USA) (1992)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: An algebraic approach to parallel program development

Abstract: Traditional parallelizing compilers focus on parallelism at the loop level. While much progress has been made in this domain, this type of parallelization is not always suited for the generation of parallel code for a wide variety of architectures and execution models. Control over the granularity of parallelism is not always handled either. With the emergence of High Performance Computing Systems, HPCS, there is a greater need for the detection of parallelism at the level of all language constructs. In addition, the efficiency and convenience rationale requires the compiler to cooperate with the programmer while developing a parallel program in order to determine the right unit of granularity. This is crucial when porting programs to different architectures or when dealing with scalable machines. The goal of this research is to develop a parallel programming environment integrated within the algebraic compiler that allows the programmer to cooperate with the compiler while developing a parallel program. This cooperation extends beyond simple program tuning to incremental development of the program, controlling the granularity of processes, and exploiting the architectural properties of the machine.

We define a new graphical representation of the source program called Construct Representation Graph, CRG, and develop an algorithm that is integrated in the algebraic compiler and constructs the CRG of the source language constructs rather than of their internal forms. Further, we develop a methodology for using the CRG in order to optimize the target program by discovering the maximum number of parallel streams of control in the target program and then by packaging these parallel streams into a parallel program under the control of the programmer. For that we use a generalization of the traditional process precedence graph and develop a new process representation under the name of process tree. Since in this framework the programmer and the compiler cooperate while developing a program according to the target on which the program is implemented, the tool is called PACT, a Programmer And Compiler Tool.

MPACT Scores for Richard Marciano

A = 0
C = 4
A+C = 4
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2017-05-10 22:46:36

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