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Dissertation Information for Munindar P. Singh

- Munindar P. Singh

- Ph.D.

- Computer Science

- University of Texas, Austin (USA) (1993)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: A theory of actions, intentions, and communications for multiagent systems

Abstract: Multiagent systems are of great significance in a number of current and future applications of Computer Science. For example, they arise in systems for electronic data interchange, air traffic control, manufacturing automation, computer supported cooperative work, and electronic banking, as well as in robotics and heterogeneous database systems. As the nature of computing begins to be characterized by networking and resource-integration, multiagent systems will occur in all key computing applications. Unfortunately, no general framework is available at present that we may use to specify, design, or implement multiagent systems. The intentions and know-how of agents, and the communications that take place among them, are important scientific abstractions for such systems. These abstractions (1) are natural to us, as designers, (2) apply to agents whose implementations evolve, and (3) may be used by the agents in reasoning about each other. I propose a semantics of intentions and know-how in a general model of actions and time. Using this semantics, I also provide a semantics for the different modes of communication, e.g., promises and prohibitions. The proposed framework involves the programs that agents can, and do, execute. Thus, we can use intentions, know-how, and communications as more than just conceptual descriptions. Their semantics is useful for comparing implementations and for creating design tools. It also aids us in stating constraints on system behavior that more naturally capture users' requirements.

MPACT Scores for Munindar P. Singh

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-27 23:11:35

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