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Dissertation Information for Viola Candice Milton

- Viola Candice Milton

- Ph.D.

- Communication

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Beverly Stoeltje

- Radhika Parameswaran
- Yeidi Riviero
- Patrick O'Meara

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Combating HIV/AIDS on the SABC: Public service broadcasting, rainbowism and media advocacy

Abstract: In the New South Africa, does the media environment allow for a market segmentation that would avoid a replication of apartheid divisions of issues, peoples and groups? Indeed, can South Africa's public service broadcaster (the SABC) play an advocacy role in the fight against HIV/AIDS that would be true to its public service mandate without marginalizing certain groups or stigmatizing others? This study evaluates the role of the SABC in South Africa's fight against HIV/AIDS through a qualitative exploration of television texts, policy documents, and qualitative interviews. The SABC has found it hard to target its messages to specific groups as South Africa's history of segregation complicates the process of distinguishing and defining at-risk populations and other groups. One of the main challenges for the SABC is the desegregation of its development messages--a task that is especially urgent given the SABC's history of segregationist programming. This dissertation therefore concentrates on the constitution of publics for development communication. The constitution of publics figures in the programs and frameworks of development communication, and it also occupies a prominent position in the SABC and their policies. It figures pragmatically in the actual conduct of programs and media operations and it figures representationally in different media genres supported by the SABC. The study thus evaluates the role of the SABC in contemporary South Africa with regards to HIV/AIDS by using qualitative methods and focusing on the transition in SABC policies and programming from apartheid's segregationist policies to the current media advocacy and rainbowism.

MPACT Scores for Viola Candice Milton

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-30 19:20:11

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