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Dissertation Information for John Anthony Grubbs

- John Anthony Grubbs

- Ph.D.

- Accounting

- Illinois State University (USA) (2005)

- Catherine Larson

- Juan Carlos Conde
- Steven Wagschal
- Ronald Wainscott

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Defending innovation: Dramatic theory in practice in early modern Spain

Abstract: Innovation and conflict have always characterized early modern Spanish theater. The dramatic text, transformed and reincarnated with each interpretation onstage, was in a constant state of flux in the Golden Age and a number of dramatic poets of the day wrote both for the stage and about the changes it was undergoing. My research examines the relationship between theatrical practice, performance and audience reception, as well as their influence on theatrical poetics. I utilize recent performance and reception theories from such scholars as Elin Diamond, Herbert Blau, Susan Bennett, and Hans Robert Jauss, to name a few, as the primary theoretical bases for an exploration of the early modern Spanish dramatic tradition. Finally, I analyze the interrelationship between theory and practice by juxtaposing six playwrights' treatises defending their originality on the boards with a representative play from each one. My examination of Bartolomé de Torres Naharro's Prohemio of the Propalladia (1517) in relation to the Comedia Ymenea (1516), as well as Juan de la Cueva's Exemplar poético (1606) and the Comedia del infamador (1581), illustrates how initial interest in performance and reception shaped both dramatic practice and theory in sixteenth-century Spain. I then move to the Spanish Comedia , looking at Lope de Vega's Arte nuevo (1609) and Tirso de Molina's Los cigarrales de Toledo (1624) with relation to Lo fingido verdadero (1607-08) and El vergonzoso en palacio (c. 1611), respectively. Finally, with regard to the ways in which performance and audience reception affect the production of the auto sacramental and court drama, I study Pedro Calderón de la Barca's dramatic precepts, found in the prologue to his collection of autos (1677), and their further development in La segunda esposa o triunfar muriendo (c. 1649); then, I present a discussion of Francisco Antonio de Bances Candamo's dramatic treatise Theatro de los theatros (1689-94) and focus on the traditions of court theater seen in Duelos de Ingenio y Fortuna (1686). These six early modern writers remind us that theater is the most public and revealing of all the arts since an active and interactive audience is a dynamic requisite element of its conception.

MPACT Scores for John Anthony Grubbs

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-05 19:32:03

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