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Dissertation Information for Andrew Bushie Molwane

- Andrew Bushie Molwane

- Ph.D.

- Curriculum and Instruction

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Ellen Brantlinger

- Barbara A. Bichelmeyer
- Christine Bennett
- Marilynne Boyle-Baise

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Discourses on computer integration at a Botswana junior secondary school

Abstract: Since the introduction of computers in Botswana's junior secondary schools no comprehensive study has ever been undertaken to find out how the teachers, students, parents and education officers perceived these technological innovation, or how the teachers integrated computer technology into their teaching. In this dissertation research, I studied various technological discourses to find out how the different stakeholders perceived computer integration. I conducted interviews, made observations, and analyzed some instructional documents.

I transcribed all the interviews and subsequently coded them using the NUDIST computer program. I enumerated the observation data to determine the frequency of (i) the teachers' and students' visits to the laboratory and (ii) their usage of the available computer software. I also searched and recorded all the sentences, phrases, and words related to computer technology and usage contained in the teachers' instructional documents in order to determine the way the teachers planned to use the computers in their teaching.

One thing that I found out was that computer integration at Bokang JSS was implemented, and continued to run, without a technology policy. The absence of a technology policy contributed to some of the computer integration problems at the school including inadequate training of teachers and marginalization of some stakeholders.

Some of the teachers were discontented because of the dearth of computer resources and poor management of the computer laboratory. Despite these hurdles, the attitudes of the teachers, students, and parents toward computers and computer usage were generally positive.

Finally, I found that the female teachers and female students at Bokang JSS made more visits to the computer laboratory and used computers more than their male counterparts. This is contrary to the belief that female persons are more anxious to use computers than male persons.

MPACT Scores for Andrew Bushie Molwane

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-05 19:56:48

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