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Dissertation Information for Chiang Ming Chen

- Chiang Ming Chen

- Ph.D.

- Economics

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Tong Li

- Roy J Gardner
- Tillman Klumpp
- Fwu-Ranq Chang

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Examining the simultaneous relationship and uncertain demand effect for charitable contributions

Abstract: The first chapter is motivated by the model of Payne (1998), whose assumption for a unilateral relationship between grants and donations may not be reliable. Chapter I presents a slightly simpler version of the Payne model and makes use of the new assumption that donation and grant decisions are made at the same time rather than Payne's multi-stage assumption. Thus, my modification will posit a simultaneous relationship between grants and donations. Moreover, the theoretical results show that donations not only affect grants but also leverage more public contributions.

In the second chapter, I explore the simultaneous relationship between grants and donations through the empirical investigation of fundraising activities among community clinics in California. Due to the endogeneity problem and censored data, I used simultaneous equations with the censored variable mode. The empirical finding strongly suggests that a more realistic model of charitable contributions should consider the fact that grants simultaneously interact with donations.

The last chapter addresses the following questions, which have never been examined in past empirical studies: Does demand uncertainty affect charitable contributions? What is the impact of uncertainty on charitable contributions? I applied Gaynor and Anderson's econometric method (1995) to estimate uncertainty over demand for health care service in connection with the California clinics. The empirical evidence shows that uncertain demand has a significant and positive impact on charitable contributions.

MPACT Scores for Chiang Ming Chen

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-06 22:37:41

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