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Dissertation Information for Kelly K McCormick

- Kelly K McCormick

- Ph.D.

- Curriculum and Instruction

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Diana V. Lambdin

- Catherine A. Brown
- Victor Goodman
- Frank K. Lester

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Examining the relationship between a standards-based elementary mathematics curriculum and issues of equity

Abstract: In this study, I examined how the performance of third-grade students of different racial and ethnic and socioeconomic groups using the revised Investigations curriculum differed from the performance of students using more traditional materials on the Indiana University Content-Focused Third-Grade (IU3) Assessment. Specifically, I viewed equity as "obliterating the differential" (Williams, 1993) and explored the following question: How does the revised Investigations curriculum influence race-, ethnic- and SES-related achievement gaps among third-grade students?

The IU3 assessment was administered to approximately 380 third-grade students from eight schools located within a Midwest urban school district in both the fall and spring. Comparing the overall gains made by the Investigations and non- Investigations students indicated that the Investigations students had higher normalized gains than the non- Investigations students. However, this was only true for the higher-SES students, and in particular the higher-SES, white students. For the low-SES and minority students, their normalized gain scores were no different than those of their non- Investigations counterparts. Moreover, the normalized gain scores of the higher-SES students using the revised Investigations curriculum were significantly greater than those of the low-SES students. In addition, the white Investigations students' normalized gain scores were significantly greater than those of the African American and Latino students. The higher-SES, white Investigations scores were also significantly greater than those of the low-SES, white students. Thus, the achievement gap among the Investigations students, albeit within a diverse urban district with an overall low-SES profile, actually increased over the school year. That is, the results indicate that the revised Investigations curriculum produced more inequitable levels of achievement.

Along with previous studies (Boaler, 2002a; Lubienski, 2000a, 2000b; Lubienski & Shelley, 2003), the findings suggest that implementing Standards-based curricula without focusing on the strengths and needs of low-SES and minority students will not automatically narrow the achievement gap. The findings reaffirm Lubienski's (2000b) assertion that equity must be kept at the forefront of discussions regarding curriculum and pedagogy; a curriculum or pedagogical style that is promising for many students may not be promising for students who need mathematical empowerment the most.

MPACT Scores for Kelly K McCormick

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-06 22:57:01

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