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Dissertation Information for Mary Dalton Hancock

- Mary Dalton Hancock

- Ph.D.

- Educational Psychology

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Gary Ingersoll

- Thomas M. Schwen
- Luise McCarthy
- David Estell

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Forms of religiosity and levels of risky/health-endangering behaviors among adolescents: A meta-analysis

Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to apply meta-analytic strategies with the goal of disentangling the role of religiosity in adolescent health endangering or risky behaviors. In previous assessments of the link, religiosity has been hypothesized to serve as a protective or mitigating factor. An increase in religiosity was thus hypothesized to result in diminished likelihood of adolescents' engagement in risky, health endangering behaviors. Evidence in support of that general hypothesis, however, has been uneven. It was hypothesized for the current analysis that the character of the relationship of adolescent religiosity to risky, health endangering behaviors varies as a function of the definition of religiosity and the level of risk of the behaviors studied.

Findings from 64 studies published during the past 15 years were reviewed. One hundred forty-nine empirical findings were categorized by definition of religiosity and level of risk and analyzed using the appropriate statistical procedures. The results lend support to the belief that adolescent religiosity and risky, health endangering behaviors are associated but the relationship is not one-dimensional. The conflicting results reported in previous assessments may lie in simplistic measures of religiosity and a lack of attention to varying levels of risk attached to problem behaviors. While this study found that how one defined religiosity had no noticeable impact on the effect size statistic it did demonstrate that risky, health endangering behavior is affected differently by religiosity depending on the level of risk involved.

MPACT Scores for Mary Dalton Hancock

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-13 22:20:21

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