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Dissertation Information for Lisa J. Woolsey

- Lisa J. Woolsey

- Ph.D.

- Health Sciences

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Alice K Lindeman

- Barbara A. Hawkins
- Lisa Lorenzen-Huber
- Meredith Davison

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Impact of professional preparation on physician assistant attitude and expressed intent to work with geriatric patients

Abstract: This study investigated the impact of age, sex, and professional preparation in geriatric medicine on the expressed intent of physician assistant (PA) students to work in geriatric medicine and their attitudes toward geriatric patients through a multi-method case study.

Participants consisted of 168 PA students (classes of 2005 and 2006) and 219 alumni (classes of 2002-2004) from Midwestern University's PA program.

Inventory of didactic and clinical components of each class were compared against the recommendations of the American Geriatric Society guidelines in a descriptive methodology. Textbook and geriatric learning objective differences were noted.

Composite geriatric rotation scares far the classes of 2002-2004 were compared. The significant difference ( p = 0.033) found between examination scores for the classes of 2003 and 2004 was believed to be partially due to the addition of a new geriatric clinical rotation site for the class of 2004.

The students and alumni received a survey via an email invitation and the US Postal Service, respectively. Survey components included: demographic questions and a fourteen-item instrument developed by Reuben and colleagues to determine attitude and likelihood of self-selection to practice in geriatric medicine. Completed surveys were returned by 233 students and alumni (60% response rate). Students and alumni born before 1959 scored significantly higher in their likelihood to practice in geriatric medicine than those born between 1970 and 1979 ( p = 0.021) and participants born between 1970 and 1979 scored significantly higher than those born after 1980 ( p = 0.001). Participants born before 1959 had better attitudes toward working with the elderly than those born after 1980 ( p = 0.026).

Age appeared to be the most important factor in determining a PA students' attitude toward and likelihood to practice in geriatric medicine. Thus, as age is not a variable that is able to be practically controlled for in the selection of PA students, PA programs should implement other educational strategies, as reviewed in the literature, to improve the attitudes and likelihood that their students will choose to practice in geriatric medicine. These include early positive experiences with the elderly and the incorporation of interdisciplinary faculty and students.

MPACT Scores for Lisa J. Woolsey

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-14 14:27:53

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