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Dissertation Information for Katherine B. Hartman

- Katherine B. Hartman

- Ph.D.

- Business

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Rosann L. Spiro

- Frank Acito
- William Corsaro
- Rockney G. Walters

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Influence strategies in retail sales situations: A contingency perspective

Abstract: The goal of the dissertation is to examine the use and effectiveness of retail salespeople's influence strategies in the retail sales setting from the customer's perspective. The objectives are to (1) investigate the impact that using these influence strategies has on customer purchase behavior change and (2) determine whether different influence strategies are more or less effective in the presence or absence of various situational factors. Specifically, the study investigated consumer reactions to the use of eight influence strategies (i.e. bargaining, compliments, consultation, expert information, negative information, pressure, referent information, and reward) and examined the moderating effects of specific situational factors.

Exploratory field research and scale development procedures were used to develop the conceptual model and research instruments. For the final study, data was collected using an online questionnaire with an online consumer panel (N = 1014). The hypotheses were tested using ordinal, logistic, and linear regression models.

The findings indicate that consumer perceptions of different influence strategies have varied effects on consumer behaviors and attitudes in retail sales situations including purchase behavior, purchase behavior change, and satisfaction. Furthermore, the results indicate the main effects between influence strategy use and consumer reactions vary by select situational factors including consumer and context specific attributes.

MPACT Scores for Katherine B. Hartman

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-15 22:52:16

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