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Dissertation Information for Volodymyr V Lysenko

- Volodymyr V Lysenko

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of Washington, Seattle (USA) (2011)

- Adam D. Moore

- Kevin Desouza
- Barbara Endicott-Popovsky
- Maria Garrido

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Political Cyberprotest as an Information System in (Semi)Authoritarian Societies: Development of a Theoretical Framework

Abstract: In this dissertation, the author analyzes strategies for political cyberprotest in the (semi)authoritarian states and develops a conceptual theoretical framework of the contentious Internet-facilitated political activity in these non-free societies. The author first devotes his attention to the creation of a unified comprehensive case of Internet-based ICTs use during the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, employing triangulation based on its individual descriptions. He then derives from this case the relevant findings and implications that lay the foundation for the theoretical framework.

Subsequently, the author further specifies and elaborates his framework by deriving relevant patterns from other important cases of political cyberprotest in the former USSR, specifically, in Russia, Belarus, and Moldova. Additionally, on his way to creation of this comprehensive framework, the author also answers related questions dealing with various aspects of the political use of the Internet under the (semi)authoritarian regimes. This dissertation further contributes to the development of a better understanding of various peculiarities of political cyberprotest globally.

Overall, the following topics are covered: * Development of a comprehensive conceptual theoretical framework describing political cyberprotest under the (semi)authoritarian regimes. * Establishment of a co-evolution of the generations of the tactics used by the main stakeholders in the system of the political cyberprotest under the (semi)-authoritarian regimes, and generations of the ICTs employed. * It is shown that in the environments where practically all traditional mass-media are under the control of authorities, the Internet becomes the major source of alternative information. * It is shown that if the dissenters use the ICTs strategically and skillfully enough, the Internet can play a significant role in organizing and conducting successful cyberprotests under the (semi)authoritarian regimes. * It is shown that through skillful use of new Internet-based ICTs, it is possible to conduct a successful revolution without noticeable prior offline organization; * Identification of the what, why, and how the new generation of the ICTs was used during various phases of the people's uprising. * It is suggested that the use of ICTs (by both sides) was not among the main factors leading to Belarus' failed attempts at color revolution.

MPACT Scores for Volodymyr V Lysenko

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2012-08-14 19:41:50

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