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Dissertation Information for Mohammed A. Gharawi

- Mohammed A. Gharawi

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- SUNY, Albany (USA) (2012)

- Theresa Pardo

- Sharon S. Dawes
- Deborah Andersen
- Lei Zheng

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Factors influencing sharing activities in Transnational Public Sector Knowledge Networks: The case of mobile disease surveillance system adoption in the 2009 Hajj

Abstract: This dissertation contributes to the growing base of theory relating to Transnational Public Sector Knowledge Networks (TPSKNs) presented by Dawes, Gharawi, and Burke (2012). A case study explores the TPSKN formed between the United States Center for Disease Control and the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health ahead of the 2009 Hajj, one of the largest mass gathering events in the world. The case study derives data from in-depth semi-structured interviews with key participants, as well as a variety of secondary data sources, including: government documents, participants' official websites, training materials and system manuals, news articles, and related publications. The data were analyzed with an inductive approach to identify the main stakeholders and their goals, the ways in which sharing activities were carried out, the ways in which the separate Saudi and US contexts influenced participants and their interactions, the outcomes of the collaboration, the influence of a variety of factors on exchange activities, and the impact of those influential factors on attaining the stated goals of the collaboration. The study extends the current knowledge-base regarding TPSKNs into a new transnational context, and a new policy domain, public health. First, the study expands upon the considered contexts to include a technological context, central when collaboration centers on implementing a new system or adopting an existing system. The study also expands understanding of the influential factors deriving from the identified layers of context. Second, the study explains how collaboration in TPSKNs can lead to the emergence of a wholly new organization. Such emergent organization plays significant roles in bridging contextual distances and in influencing the outcomes of TPSKNs. The study identifies capabilities, skills, personal commitment, culture, leadership, and modes of interaction as the main characteristics of the resultant organization, and discusses them as additional factors influencing TPSKNs. Third, the study demonstrates the interplay between contextual distances and the characteristics of the emergent organization, and how these characteristics assist in bridging distances so that the TPSKN can thus produce better results. The study concludes with a discussion of the implications of the findings on the growing TPSKNs theory base and on future research.

MPACT Scores for Mohammed A. Gharawi

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2014-03-10 23:21:16

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