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Dissertation Information for Annie L. Downey

- Annie L. Downey

- Ph.D.

- Information Science

- University of North Texas (USA) (2014)

- Yunfei Du
- Amy Fann

- Beverly Bower

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: The state of the field of critical information literacy in higher education

Abstract: The purpose of this dissertation was to explore the state of critical information literacy (CIL) in higher education as it is enacted and understood by academic librarians. This qualitative study investigated the institutional support, nonsupport, and barriers to CIL programs and the effectiveness of experiential critical pedagogy for information literacy (IL) learning as taught and studied by 19 CIL specialists. Purposeful sampling was used to gather a sample of 17 academic librarians and two professors of library and information science who had previously worked as academic librarians. The sample included 11 females and eight males; 18 participants were Caucasian and one was African American. Data were collected through 40-60 minute semi-structured interviews and a brief demographic survey. Experiential education served as the broad theoretical framework for this study, which stems from the tradition of critical theory. This study was guided by the work of two major experiential learning theorists and theories: Paulo Freire and critical pedagogy and Jack Mezirow and transformative learning. Mezirow and Freire focused their work on adult education and grounded their approaches in critical theory and focused on power relationships, reflection, and the emancipatory potential of education. The findings were framed through a lens of FreireĀfs conception of critical pedagogy because it was the major theoretical framework that most of the study participants used to guide their work.

MPACT Scores for Annie L. Downey

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2017-02-25 16:11:28

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