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Dissertation Information for Murat Erkan Eren

- Murat Erkan Eren

- Ph.D.

- Information Science

- University of North Texas (USA) (0)

- Guillermo A. Oyarce

- Brian Clark O'Connor
- Suliman Hawamdeh
- Ahmet Celik

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Knowledge-sharing practices among Turkish peacekeeping officers

Abstract: The Turkish National Police (TNP) peacekeeping officers experience poor knowledge-sharing practices before, during, and after their tours of duty at the United Nations (UN) field missions, thus causing knowledge loss. The study aims to reveal the current knowledge-sharing practices of the TNP peacekeeping officers and proposes a knowledge-sharing system to share knowledge effectively. It also examines how applicable the knowledge management models are for their knowledge-sharing practices. In order to gain a better understanding about the knowledge-sharing practices of TNP officers, the researcher used a qualitative research method in this study. Semi-structured interviews were used in data collection. The participants were selected based on the non-probability and purposive sampling method. Content analysis and constant comparison was performed in the data analysis process. The most important knowledge sources of the peacekeeping officers are their colleagues, the Internet, and email groups. The peacekeepers recommend writing reports, organizing training programs, conducting exit interviews, adopting best practices, and creating a knowledge depository. The study uncovers that organizational culture, hierarchy, and physical proximity are significant factors that have a vital impact on knowledge sharing. Knowledge conversion model is substantially applicable for the knowledge-sharing practices of the TNP peacekeeping officer.

MPACT Scores for Murat Erkan Eren

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2017-04-10 21:39:20

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