Mounted Search and Rescue (MSAR) Photos

The links on this page are to LARGE photos. Most are 0.5 MB. To download them most easily, shift-click on the link or use a tool such as "wget".

Horse and human on high ropes.

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National Geographic, 1921.

Rodeo grand entry with flag.

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Santa Fe County Sheriff's Posse, 2002.

Horseback searcher on mountain top.

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Peninsula Mounted Search and Rescue.

String packing rescue gear and subject, SAR rider wearing backpack, all riders wearing helmets.

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El Paso County Search and Rescue, 2002.


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El Paso County Search and Rescue, 2002.

Riding in wide open range with dogs.

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Santa Fe County Sheriff's Posse, 2002.

Rider close up. Horse wearing a tie-down and polo (English) breastplate. Western saddle with rain slicker on pommel, cantle bags.

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Santa Fe County Sheriff's Posse, 2002.

Helping the subject mount a saddled pack horse.

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El Paso County Search and Rescue, 2002.

Pack string with subject riding, in rough terrain where a tired or injured subject would not be safe walking.

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El Paso County Search and Rescue, 2002.

Pack string with subject riding, right leg wrapped up.

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El Paso County Search and Rescue, 2002.

Mounted teams can sometimes travel faster and farther if the riders walk part of the way.

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El Paso County Search and Rescue, 2002.

In light snow, horses travel easily and are less likely than hikers to slip or otherwise injure themselves.

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El Paso County Search and Rescue, 2002.

Horses are a valuable resource for establishing and supplying incident base camps in rough backcountry. Horses can easily carry 20 percent of their own weight and still travel 5+ miles per hour for many hours per day. The average riding horse weighs 1000 pounds, so can carry 200 pounds.

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El Paso County Search and Rescue, 2002.

Perimeter security in backcountry and off-road wooded areas may be feasible only on horseback.

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United States Air Force 314th Security Forces Squadron Mounted Patrol, Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, January 2003. Photo by Staff Sargent Chyenne Griffin.

OSHA approved Western style hard hat, exterior view.

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1.2 MB, 2.6 megapixel photo by Ernie L. Greening, 2005.

OSHA approved Western style hard hat, interior view.

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1.2 MB, 2.6 megapixel photo by Ernie L. Greening, 2005.


Can anyone contribute photos showing the following? Re horse behavior, I am particularly interested in "before" and "after" photos, showing the development of a good SAR horse over time. The point to emphasize here is the enormous extent of the training we all put into our "finished" SAR horses.
3 February 2003, updated 10 April 2005

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