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Revised January 12th, 2020 by Matt Heimbach

following RC mtg/vote January 9th, 2020


SPORTSMANSHIP: conduct (as fairness, respect for one's opponent, and graciousness in winning or losing), becoming to one participating in a sport.

Each league member is expected to conduct him/herself in a fair and sportsmanlike manner.  Any person unable to act accordingly, (for example but not limited to: throwing darts at anything other than board, taunting opposing team, crowding while opponent is on line) will be warned by the President after the first offense. A second offense may constitute suspension for the remainder of the season. [EXCEPTION: Unlawful behavior, e.g., consuming alcoholic beverages of any sort by underage league members during match play, is grounds for immediate suspension until the player has reached 21 years of age.]  The Ruling Council, with recommendations from the President and/or Grievance Committee, is in charge of administering this rule. [See section below regarding grievances and how infractions are to be handled.]



1.  Team Rosters Team rosters shall consist of no less than four (4) and no more than ten (10) players. Team rosters are to be turned in at the  Ruling Council Meeting  held prior to beginning of each season. Rosters shall include name(s) of captain(s), with addresses and phone numbers of all players (when available). After turning in a roster AND after any ranking has been completed, a new player may not be added to the roster without obtaining one-half of the captains' signatures in the division assigned. [NOTE: Obviously, the signature requirement for adding players after rosters are turned in does not apply to Division A teams.] A team who wishes to add such a player may not count its own captain's signature. Past seasons' statistics, when available, will be provided to each team captain and placed in each TDL bar for the purposes of "checking out" such proposed players. EXCEPTION: With the agreement of the opposing captain, a new player may play one night, but cannot play again until the necessary 50% of the other captain's signatures is obtained. If the necessary signatures are NOT obtained, all games played by the ineligible player are forfeit (i.e., NOT counted, period). That player shall remain ineligible during the remainder of that season for NOT ONLY the team which tried to add him/her BUT ALSO any other current team.

2.  There will be a Ruling Council meeting prior to the beginning of each season. A five (5) point penalty will be assessed to any team which misses the mandatory preseason Ruling Council meeting, such assessment to be taken from points won at the first match of the season. Any team captain who cannot attend the meeting or send a team member as a representative may request from the league president an excused absence prior to the meeting. Any dispute in granting the absence will be decided by the Ruling Council at the mandatory meeting. Actions approved at that meeting WILL APPLY TO THE UPCOMING SEASON'S PLAY, and subsequent seasons until changed. 

Use of Substitute Players: A team may play people that are not on their official team roster as substitutes, with the following restrictions:

(1)         Each player used in this capacity must be clearly denoted on the scoresheet as a substitute for each match.

(2)         A person cannot play as a substitute for more than one team in a given season.

(3)         The opposing team captain must approve the use of these players before they are listed.

(4)         Any statistical information such as All-star Points and wins/losses will not be individually recorded.

(5)         Substitutes are NOT eligible for play in the end-of-season tournament.

(6)         Players designated as substitutes are not eligible to receive any trophies for which they may otherwise qualify.

(7)         A subsitute player may only play in one (1) match per season. Any additional play thereafter, they will be considered a "roster" player, if and only, if, a roster position is available (that is no more than 10 players already on roster) and noted as such on scoresheet clearly.



Player Eligibility
A player is not considered to be officially on a team's roster until after he/she has thrown a game in at least one (1) league match, at which time he/she becomes an official member of that team. A player may be removed/replaced on a roster at any time, if they have yet to play in a match. Such player(s) are to be clearly noted on scoresheet. No player may be officially on more than one team roster per season. Any ineligible player forfeits all games in which he/she plays. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE!

In order to be eligible to play in the end-of-season tournament a player must meet the following criteria:

i.  Must have been listed on the roster as submitted at the Organizational Meeting or added in accordance with the rule in paragraph 1 of this section, AND

ii.  Must have played in at least one-half (1/2) of the matches in the regular season prior to the beginning of the tournament. If there is an odd number of matches in the season, then the result is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

In order to be eligible to win either the All-Star Percentage trophy or the Singles Win Percentage trophy, when/if given, member(s) must have played a specific number of games during that season, this number to be determined as follows. NOTE FOR CLARIFICATION: These formulas do not apply to "Hot Shots" -- short games (singles and doubles, 01 and Ckt) nor for High in's and out's.

      In the case of All-Star Percentage trophy, the number of necessary games is to be determined using the following formula:

Number of matches in the season multiplied by 2

·       example:  Given a 14 week season, 14 x 2 = 28 games needed to qualify for All Star % trophy(ies)

In the case of Singles Win Percentage Trophy, the number of necessary games, is to be determined using the following formula:

Number of matches in the season multiplied by  .8

 (example: Given a 14 week season,14  X .8 = 11.2, (rounded up to) 12 games needed to qualify for Singles Win % trophy(ies).

In the event there are inter-divisional games during a season, any short games (singles and doubles, 01 and Ckt) or High in's and out's shot during these matches qualify for a trophy, so long as the player has met the criteria (see above) for eligibility, i.e., one game thrown.


Team dues are set by vote of the General Membership at the Organizational Meeting and ratified by the Ruling Council) for each season. These dues covers all 4-10 players on a team, and must be paid in currency when rosters are submitted (and/or at the discretion of the current Treasurer). If any team has not paid the set dues by the date designated for completion of the league schedule for that season that team will not be included on the Schedule for Match Play (at the discretion of the Treasurer and President)).


League play shall be set into three ranked divisions, if sufficient teams are signed up. Otherwise, size and number of divisions are left to the discretion of the Executive Committee, with recommendation from the Ruling Council.

If there are divisions at the beginning of each season, the Executive Committee and at least six volunteers (which should include at least one representative from each division, but no more than two from any one team) shall evaluate the rosters submitted. Individual team rankings will be made by this Ad Hoc committee and then statistically correlated. Divisions are designated from that consolidated ranking, with the final decision being made by Executive Committee consensus. When possible, choice of divisions will be offered during sign-up.

NOTE: These guidelines apply if 75% of a team is returning intact (i.e., returning pretty much "as is"). Any questionable rankings will be decided by the Executive Committee and the "ranking committee members".

For purposes of ranking, the following guidelines will be applied automatically:

The bottom team in A Division from previous season drops to Division B;
The bottom team in B Division drops to Division C;
The top team in Division B moves up to Division A;
The top team in Division C moves up to Division B.


Matches consist of 20 points, as follows

8 singles games (4 301 DIDO / 4 cricket) = 1 point each
3 doubles cricket (SIDO) = 2 points each
3 doubles 501 games = 2 points each

If a tie exists at the end of regular play, a tie-breaker game of 1001 (SIDO) will be played. Four (4) members of a team must be present to play the tie-breaker. The team unable to list four (4) players physically present automatically loses. Matches won by tie-breaker are scored as ten (10) points won to each team, and the match point awarded to the winner of the tie-breaker in the Win / Loss column in the standings. If no tie-breaker is played, matches won / lost points score as .5 for each team. It is the captain's choice to determine the players for tie-breaker games, and to list the order in which each shoots (minimum of four (4), maximum of 10 players on the score-sheet). Choice of diddle rule (see below) is in effect to begin play. NOTE: All-Star Points thrown in tie-breakers DO NOT count toward end-of-season total, EXCEPT for a perfect throw of Ton-Eighty (180). An award will be given at the end-of-season party, but the 3.0 ASPs will not be counted.


Team standings are determined by the number of matches won/lost. Ties in match won/ lost records are resolved based on the total number of games won. If there is an exact tie in all statistics, head-to-head match record will determine higher ranking, followed by games record head-to-head, with a coin toss as a final determiner.


Scoresheets should be kept by both teams, and each team should indicate their version by circling their team name. Both scoresheets, should be checked by the team captains to make sure they are consistent and signed by both team captains.  Any match for which no scoresheet is received by the deadline will be scored as a DOUBLE FORFEIT, and no all stars will be counted. If the winning team fails to return their copy of the scoresheet by the deadline, but the losing team can produce their copy, then the losing team will be awarded the match victory by forfeit in accordance with the rules below.

The winning team captain should turn in the copy of the scoresheet NO LATER THAN 8PM on the Saturday immediately following the match.  Methods available are:

-Scan or take a clear photo, then email to the statistician

 The appropriate contact information for email shall be printed on the schedule and in any newsletters sent to the league. 


(a) MATCH PLAY IS TO BEGIN AT 8:00 PM! --sharp!

By that time each Captain shall have completed their half of the scoresheet. At 8:15 PM EACH TEAM MUST HAVE FOUR (4) PEOPLE PHYSICALLY PRESENT OR THE MATCH IS FORFEIT, UNLESS the opposing captain (THE ONE WITH FOUR PEOPLE THERE) agrees to continue; AND four (4) people must be physically present throughout the match.

Each captain shall list at least the first section of match play (all four games). If a person is listed to play but is not physically present when that games is called for play, that game only is forfeit.

(b) At least 24 hours notice for rescheduled matches shall be given to the opposing team captain, (and bar where match was to be played), who is not required to agree to reschedule. If postponed, the make-up match must be played prior to the following Thursday's regular league schedule. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE! (PLEASE NOTIFY PRESIDENT OR STATISTICIAN OF ANY RESCHEDULED MATCHES).  If 24 hours notice is not given, (this means by 8pm the Wednesday prior to the match), the match will be considered a "no-show". A "no-show" shall be penalized by a 9 point deduction from their Win record, and 11 points shall be awarded  to the team that DID show up for the scheduled match. Further, if there were two (2) no-shows by the same team during a season, that team shall not be allowed to play in the end-of-season tournament for that season.

(c)If either team forgets to bring their assigned match dart board, they will be assessed a penalty of 4 pts. This is to be deducted after the match outcome has been decided. Said penalty WILL NOT alter match standings.

  1. Each captain has a maximum of five (5) minutes between sections to complete the next section's listings. ALL MATCHES ARE BLIND LIST.
  2. Each captain may list players on his team a maximum of four games each: once in each section of the match. NOTE: the singles games of both 301 and cricket each constitute a SECTION and should be listed separately. No player may play more than one game in these sections. In the doubles sections, if a team does not have enough players to fill in all six places, then the opposing team's captain chooses who plays in the empty spot(s). The opposing captain should do this before the section starts play.  No player may play more than twice in either of these sections.
  3. In the regular season, doubles games where the opposing captain lists a player or players are scored normally (ie a win is 2 points, a loss is 0).  In the playoffs, players who are listed by the opposing captain can not score a point - they are considered "blockers" trying to keep their opponents from scoring points.  In this scenario, if a doubles pair has one normally listed player and one player listed by the opposing captain and they win, they get 1 points instead of 2 (the normally-listed player can score a point, just not the "blocker").  If both players are listed by the opposing captain, no points can be won by that doubles pair - if they win, no points are awarded to either team.  In playoff matches where doubles teams consisting of "blockers" play, there could be less than 20 total points scored in the match.  In this scenario, the team with the most points wins the match even if they don't reach 11 points (or 10 points and a tiebreaker win). 
  4. If absent players do not appear by the time of their scheduled game, that game is forfeit automatically the opposing team.
  5. No player is eligible to play more than six (6) games per match. If he is picked to play a seventh match by his own captain, the opposing team is awarded the game point(s). If the opposing team picks the player for the seventh time, the opposing team is penalized by losing the game point(s).

NOTE: In the case of doubles, should one member of a team be unable to play the game as listed, his partner has the option of playing/continuing the game. throwing three darts to the opponents' six darts.

  1. All changes in listing must be initialed by the opposing captain.
  2. Forfeited matches are scored 11-0 for the winning team and 0-11 for the forfeiting team. If the match is begun and then later declared forfeit, any games thrown count in the individual statistics, and any All-Star points thrown prior to the forfeit. All-Star points thrown prior to calling the forfeit are valid and will be counted IF reported on the scoresheet.


Grievances are to be reported in accordance with Section IV, paragraphs a-d of the TDL Constitution/Bylaws. Parts of this section are included for reference and convenience:

"4b. A formal complaint or protest must be submitted in writing within 48 hours of the incident(s) which caused the grievance. No action by the Executive Committee or the Ruling Council will take place without this written description of the details which caused the grievance to be filed. NOTE: Indication of a match played "under protest", even though such a statement is written on the back of the score-sheet for the match in controversy, does not constitute the required written notice to initiate the grievance process. A full account of the reasons for the grievance/protest must be included in this written complaint.

4c. Following notification of a filed grievance, the President will attempt to resolve the controversy only if it involves rules interpretations. All other incidents are referred to the Ruling Council. If the President is unable to resolve the problem, s/he will call a meeting of the Ruling Council to act on the grievance. Said meeting is to be at a time other than a night of match play and at a location convenient for all attendees."

Players may not have EITHER FOOT OR SHOE extending beyond the hockey (ochre, throwing line) while taking his/her turn. A player who commits such a 'foot fault' is to be given one verbal warning by an opposing player. After one such warning, and in order for any penalty to be assessed, a foot fault MUST BE CALLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER THAT DART IS THROWN. Penalty for foot fault is no score for that dart only. Only the player(s) on the opposing team for that game can call a foot fault.

Twelve (12) darts maximum can be thrown as warm up immediately prior to each person's game.

The home team has the choice of diddling first. Single bull ties single bull, double bull beats single bull. In the event of a tie, players throw again in reverse order.

All darts thrown must be left in the board until scored. Penalty for pulling darts before score is written and verified by chalker: NO SCORE THAT TURN. The dart that wins the game is the last dart thrown. Any additional darts thrown do not count. When playing "-01", the turn ends with the dart that 'busts.'

All-star points are awarded for individual efforts:

100-120, 5 marks, 3 bulls = 1.0 ASP
121-140, 6-7 marks, 4 bulls = 1.5 ASPs
141-179, 8 marks, 5 bulls = 2.0 ASPs
180, 9 marks, 6 bulls = 3.0 ASPs

NOTE 1: When scoring cricket ASPs, every mark in a single throw MUST COUNT FOR SCORE. EXAMPLE: Having previously hit two 20s, with the opponent's 20s closed, a current throw of a triple-20 counts as only one mark that turn.
NOTE 2: If two bulls are needed to win the game and three bulls are thrown, it IS an All-Star, provided all three bulls could be scored. (i.e., - your opponent doesn't have bulls closed).