Research Articles and Essays

The Matthew Effect, the Digital Divide and the American Dream
By Jonna Lian Pearson

Monologue, dialogue, polylogue: Online comments, focus group language, and the problem of identity-free communication
By Robert Moses Peaslee

Miniaturization, Miniatures and the Digital
By Sheenagh Pietrobruno

Does Location Matter? A Comparative Study on Mobile Phone Use Among Young People in Finland
By Sakari Taipale

Context and Culture of Knowledge Visualization: Notes on iV08, the 12th International Conference Information Visualization
By Anna Ursyn and Ebad Banissi

Performing Art History’s Problems with New Media: “Capitalist Realism,” the Northern Renaissance, and Gerhard Richter
By Catherine Wilkins

encountersNew Media Art

Video Sculptures and Seeing Through Screens
By Joseph Farbrook

Scantly a generation ago, moving image screens were restricted to television and cinema and the content was nearly exclusively generated by corporations and conglomerates that dictated the form and aesthetic of what should and should not be seen by the masses. The content was restricted almost entirely to news and entertainment and limited in scope to what could be sold as a commodity.

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