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Onebase Portal is a browser based modular system management center for performing System and Administrative work.

  • Manage hardware and boot - Manage boot services or create custom bootservices or change your bootloader using the boot manage module in Onebase Portal. Manage devices, partitions, see information about the hardware, change mouse, monitor settings using the hardware module.

  • Manage video and audio - Switch the X driver between commercial or native, audio driver, change color, resolution settings using the Multimedia module.

  • Internet Ready - Setup Internet or NFS and make connection with support for a number of connection types including special Wireless support with the Network Module. As wifi profiles can be created based on your network settings.

  • Manage the Package Manager - The PackAdmin module provides an all-inclusive support for package management administration that is meant for the OLM. For instance edit ol-var settings, perform ol-apps gallery operations and apart from this an "OLM Editor" program is provided for developers to easily contribute .olms for the Software gallery.

  • Search, Install or Uninstall apps - The Software Module provides a Browser based GUI for managing Onebase software. Browse the software repository and install or come to know the status of the packages. Also easily perform source masking using this module.

  • User manage and set System - The System Module provides programs for changing date, time and localization settings. Also view system logs and using the UserManage module create, delete users or create new menu entries..

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