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Onebase Infrastructure Previous Next

From version 2005, Onebase Linux Project provides a new bootsystem and an improved filesystem hierarchy with many benefits.

  • Modified bootsystem - The new bootsystem provides dependency based bootservices and is streamlined to follow a one-init many-service ideology.

    The whole bootsystem comes under the control of rc.start and rc.shutdown scripts and bootservices instead of using runlevels.

  • Improved file hierarchy - A major improvement to the Onebase system is the filesystem hierarchy, the traditional hierarchy has been modified to include three new folders to the / called OL-apps, OL-manage and OL-boot.

    Every package installs in its own folder under /OL-apps which means the user need not search the system or the database inorder to look for a file, Unlike conventional systems.

  • Fake your system - With this new model, user can perform fake uninstalls using ol-apps program which might be very useful to switch between packages or between versions of the same package.

    Also if any problems with a software or the user accidently deleted files from the UNIX hierarchy, then a simple re-generation of symlinks is enough, instead of reinstalling the whole software.

  • Supports Legacy Tree - Besides this, the traditional UNIX hierarchy is fully maintained by system-wide generated symlinks. So the compatibility of applications is ensured without any troubles.

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