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Net Installer Previous Next

Onebase provides two forms of installers which are highly contrast to each other.

* Net-Installer - unconventional, flexibile and requires internet
* OnebaseGo HD-Installer - Fast and Pre-configured

Here Net-Installer is discussed in detail. To know about OnebaseGo HD-installer please visit its features page.

  • Small and Updated - Net-Installer is small sized (108 MB) and multi-functional. It installs the latest available packages from the Software gallery to the system, even if it is many months old.

  • Novice user mode - This mode that takes only 4 steps to deploy a fully functional Onebase desktop. Whereas the regular mode provides good flexibility in selecting software and install it via source or binary packages.

  • No CD for update - It is based on CD-less updates, Since after installing Onebase using CD, it can be upgraded seamlessly using system updates without waiting for a new release or to download a new CD set.

  • Resume installation - If the installation process is interrupted due to any reason and PC has been shutdown, then boot the install cd and select the resume option to resume the install process where it has been left.

  • Rescue Onebase - The rescueos program in BootCD can be used to chroot into the Onebase partition to perform rescue operations or scan disk the filesystem.

  • Filesystems - It supports Reiserfs3, Reiser4 (New!) and Ext3 filesystems.

  • Auto Install - Using OL AutoSetup, A pre-configured kickstart file can be prepared for the installer which will be used to automate installations. This would help to avoid in situations where the manual task of setting up the installation and selecting the same set of packages over and over for each PC is tiresome.

  • AutoSetup Modes - AutoSetup comes with two other modes - Replicate OS, which would generate a kickstart file based on the existing system and "Choose Your Linux" mode which categorizes applications giving better choice in selecting software.

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