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Some of the items that Onebase provides to keep your system secure are listed below

  • Security Updates - The package maintenance team regularly monitor the OL-apps gallery to update packages with security fixes and alerts them through the olm-su program to install these updates based on the users system.

  • Firewall - Onebase Portal provides pre-configured iptable firewall of two types. Personal Firewall - Which performs basic protection for the system from Internet. High Security Firewall - With many security enabled features for protecting the system.

  • Scripting language modules - Language modules of PERL and Python are very dependant such that whenever the system gets updated with a new version of these applications, all its module based software becomes useless.

    So the olm-mod program automatically checks and reinstalls such modules.

  • Anti Virus - Onebase provides Anti-Virus like klamav and Spam control programs to keep your system secure from such elements.

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