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The OL-apps gallery provides a fast enlarging and stable software repository with open source software grouped into many categories. It is updated frequently with newly released applications.

  • Package Manager - Onebase Linux comes with its own robust package manager called OLM that provides several advantages like fast dependency calculation, script based profiles, masking, xflags etc..

  • Click-n-Pick - You can install software directly using this website. By simply clicking the associated "install" button of the software, the OLM in the client side gets launched (note: requires OL-Portal)

  • Beta application gallery - For beta geeks and developers, the OL-apps maintains a seperate pseudo repository for Unstable software. This contains bleeding edge beta applications.

    For example the latest KDE, Gnome, Mozilla beta applications for you to try. This is mainly used for submitting bug-reports and not meant for production systems.

  • Various modes - The OLM package manager has been built from ground up to seamlessly deploy software by performing either source or binary install mode.

    Which means you can make your Onebase, a entire binary or source based distribution. But the same time you can switch the mode of install at any instance.

  • Backup archive - The Onebase Project maintains huge backup archive of all the source and binary packages, so if the original URL fails, then OLM redirects the download to this archive.

  • Slow Net.. Don't Worry - The olm-tp program is very useful for users who have slow internet connection or those who have access to super-fast network (eg. schools) inorder to download Onebase applications.

  • Use with Linux/Windows - The olm-tp program can download software with dependencies for your Onebase (as per your system). in any Linux or Windows machine that has fast internet.

  • Use of Xflags - If you are a source installer then this feature might be very useful. Using Xflags you can configure a source installation for adding additional features or functionalities of that program during compilation.

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