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Open Source
Writers Group

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open source writers group


    Contact: general@worldforge.org - just mention that you want to help.
    Homepage: http://www.worldforge.org
    Mailing Lists: subscription information
    License: GNU General Public License
    IRC Channel: #forge on irc.worldforge.org

    WorldForge, formerly known as "the Altima project", is a group of people who love Role Playing Games (RPGs), and who are working on developing a standard for online multiplayer RPG systems. The WorldForge project was founded in 1997, and an alpha release of their server is available.

    WorldForge needs help in the following areas:

    • coding
    • art
    • music
    • documentation

    Everyone who would like to contribute to the project is welcome to join the team. This is an open and creative group working to create open-source online RPGs of higher quality than even the best commercial offerings.

    If you are interested in helping out, send the WorldForge team a note, look them up on IRC, or check out the website to see how you can contribute.

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.
Everything else, © 1999 Deb Richardson