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New Hope Creek mudflats - shorebirds

This morning I surveyed the New Hope Creek mudflats at Jordan Lake.  Water 
level is very low -- almost as low as the low point last year.  There were 
a fair number of shorebirds about, along with lots of waders:

GBH - many
Great Egret - many
Little Blue Heron - 7 (all white)
Green Heron - 1

Killdeer - many
Greater Yellowlegs - 3
Lesser Yellowlegs - 1
Solitary Sandpiper - 15
Spotted Sandpiper - 1
Semipalmated Sandpiper - 3
Least Sandpiper - 4
Pectoral Sandpiper - 4

Has anyone checked out the mudflats at Falls Lake?

Charles W. "Will" Cook                w 919-660-7409
cwcook@acpub.duke.edu                 h 919-967-5446
Duke University Botany Dept., Durham, North Carolina