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Results of NC Pelagics on 08/07-08/09

Focus on Nature Tours ran three pelagics out of Manteo, NC aboard the
Country Girl on Sat, 08/07, Sun, 08/08, and Mon, 08/09. The weather was not
as hot as last weekend but the seas were a little rougher. We had good
birds and good looks on every trip, and the cetaceans were pretty
cooperative too.

For the second Saturday in a row we managed to find a White-faced
Storm-Petrel, but this one was not as cooperative as last week's bird. The
seas had a bit of chop and the bird disappeared in the waves before
everybody got to see it. This is a pretty easy thing to have happen with
anything but flat seas since they stay so close to the surface. Other
weekend highlights were a probable light Herald Petrel, good numbers of
Black-capped Petrel and Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, several South Polar
Skuas, numbers of Sooty Terns, a fluking Sperm Whale, another Sperm Whale
laying on the surface very close to the boat, several Cuvier's Beaked
Whales, and over 100 Atlantic Spotted Dolphin.

The NC pelagic season is done for Focus On Nature Tours, but several trips
are being run out of NJ within the next few weeks.  There is a trip out of
Brielle on August 28 and two trips out of Cape May on September 4 and 5.
There are still some spaces available for all of these trips, but I expect
the Cape May trips to sell out. Contact FONT at 1-800-362-0869 or
font@focusonnature.com to make a reservation.


Paul A. Guris
Green Lane, PA
h:  sawwhet@voicenet.com
w:  pguris@moneynet.com


Black-capped Petrel         179,   22,   90
prob. Herald Petrel           1,    0,    0
Cory's Shearwater           531, 1753,  510
Greater Shearwater           37,   53,   39
Sooty Shearwater              0,    1,    0
Audubon's Shearwater        201,  131,   51
Wilson's Storm-Petrel       264,   41,  188
White-faced Storm-Petrel      1,    0,    0
Leach's Storm-Petrel          0,    0,    1
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel     71,   17,   26
long winged storm-petrel sp   0,    0,    4
Red-necked Phalarope          1,    8,    0
South Polar Skua              1,    0,    1
Laughing Gull                 0,    0,    1
Royal Tern                    1,    0,    0
Bridled Tern                  1,    2,    3
Sooty Tern                   11,    6,   20
dark backed tern sp           3,    2,    0

Sperm Whale                   1,    0,    1
Cuvier's Beaked Whale        10,    1,    0
Pilot Whale                   0,    0,   15
Risso's Dolphin               0,    0,    2
Atlantic Spotted Dolphin      0,    0,  100
Bottlenose Dolphin           50,   58,   20