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Fw: FLA Sandhill Cranes

The message below came across the TN birds listserv.  I'm not sure if
Sandhill Cranes would fly over the Carolinas, but doesn't hurt to be aware.

Judy Murray
Chapel Hill, NC


> Ten experimental Sandhill Cranes that had been led by ultralight aircraft
> to Crystal River, Florida, last fall departed on 25 February and their
> whereabouts are currently unknown. The purpose of this project is to
> develop techniques that could be used to reintroduce an eastern migratory
> populaton of Whooping Cranes. Project personnel hope to find the Sandhill
> Cranes and track their spring migration.  Each of these birds has a
> bicolored, i.e., red over green, radio transmitter on the right leg and 1
> 3 white, red, and/or green colorbands on the left leg. If you become aware
> of any group of cranes that match this description, please email  me.
>                                 Thanks,
>                              Tommie Rogers
>                              Crystal River, Fl.
>                               willet@hitter.net <mailto:willet@hitter.net>