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Re: WB Nuthatches

I saw WB nuthatches in my yard taking the cat hair I
put out for the chickadees that are nesting in my
I have never seen that action before. Every year I
brush my cat and put out the hair in an old suet cage
and watch the chickadees take the hair. What fun when
I saw the nuthatches do it. I could not see where they
flew off to. It looked like high in the trees. I have
three other bluebird nest boxes now in the front yard.
On Monday, for the first time ever, I had bluebirds(M
& F) near the house investigating the close nest box
that I can see easily from the house. But alas, the
chickadees chased them away. I checked later that
afternoon, and found moss in the box where the
chickadees had begun their nest. I hope the Bluebirds
choose one of the others as they have for the last
four years(I cannot see it from the house) because it
is near the road where it is more open. And I hope
those carpenter bees do not take over the chickadee
nest like they have the past two years.
--- mclau003@mc.duke.edu wrote:
>      Today I watched a pair of white breasted
> nuthatches building a nest in a
> bluebird box of the "wood-crete" type.
> Its the first time I've seen them nesting in my
> yard.
>      Tanya McLaughlin
>      Eastern Orange Co.

Kate Finlayson
N. Chatham Co.,N.C.

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