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Ah, Spring!

. . . And with that, the passions are fueled.  My husband and I watched with 
amazement as a pair of European Starlings clinched in embrace plummeted from 
high in the air locked together seemingly unaware that they were crashing 
into shrubbery, wings flapping wildly and chattering the whole time.  We 
couldn't believe the length of time this whole ritual lasted.  They finally 
hit the ground still glued together and flapped around noisily until one of 
them flew off.  The other took off in hot pursuit until he caught up and 
AGAIN they began their intense coupling. 

    We were on our deck staring like the voyeurs we've become.  But it was 
our first experience in our own backyard with our resident birds.  I think we 
may have even blushed a bit.  

    Wendy Ross Kaplan
    Charlotte, NC