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Mystery Birder at Little Creek

I ran into the "mystery birder" this afternoon around 4. His name is Joe
and I have seen him at Little Creek in the past - in fact, I was there
the afternoon last fall he conceived of his floating blind.

The blind consists of a large innertube with a circular piece of plywood
on top with a hole cut out in the middle.  Attached to the plywood is a
clamp for holding up Joe's camera, which has a mammoth telephoto lens.
He wears waders and gets in the middle of the innertube and walks/floats
it around the impoundment, wearing camouflage netting with reeds, etc.
attached to it.  I did not see him in the water with it today, but
talked to him when he was packing up after 8 hours in the water.

His next project is to bring a 30 foot ladder to the woods behind the
impoundment and stand on top of it in camouflage netting to try and get
good pics of red-headed woodpeckers from closer to their level.  He is
dedicated all right!

Speaking of Little Creek - there is a TON of trash there.  Are there any
birders willing to meet me there some weekend and help pick up trash?
Someone with a pickup would be great for hauling away the trash bags.
(You can't get much into the trunk of a Mustang!)

Amalie Tuffin
Durham, NC