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Announcement of Save the Arctic Campaign

Hey, All;
 This looks like something that we should be concerned about.
 Start the letters and phone call's NOW !
									Van Atkins

>MARCH 13, 2001
>The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is in danger.  The millions of migratory
>birds, the Porcupine Caribou herd, polar bears, and a spectacular pristine
>wilderness are threatened by oil development.  The pro-development forces
>are making the strongest push ever to put oil development in Alaska's Arctic
>National Wildlife Refuge.
>Today Audubon launches a campaign to save the Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain.
>Starting this morning Audubon is running television ads in the Washington
>metropolitan media market highlighting the plight of the refuge and the
>dangers of oil development. The ad also urges President Bush to side with
>the birds and other wildlife that depend on the Arctic Refuge coastal plain
>for their survival.
>Audubon is also launching an Internet campaign that is expected to reach
>more than 1 million Americans across the country. It urges them to take
>action by contacting their Members of Congress and asking them to vote to
>protect the Arctic Refuge.  Audubon's web page, www.audubon.org, has a new
>Protect the Arctic page where individuals can take action and alert Members
>of Congress that the time is now to protect the Arctic. In addition, we are
>mobilizing our members on the ground through more than 30 workshops in 11
>I would like to make clear there is scant evidence you can drill the Arctic
>Refuge in an environmentally sensitive manner. Even under tight scrutiny by
>the American public, oil companies have continued to have accidents and
>spills, including a 3,000 to 5,000 gallon spill just last week.  A footprint
>in a wilderness area is still a footprint. In the case of oil development,
>it is much more - it is thousands of acres of roads, pipelines and, yes,
>muddy, oily steel boots.  Destroying the Arctic and harming the wildlife
>there is simply not worth the 180 days of oil.
>The pro-development forces are gearing up their campaigns.  The majority of
>Americans do not want the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the birds and
>caribou that live there destroyed for short term energy needs.  Audubon's
>Arctic campaign is calling on people to act.  Audubon's Arctic campaign is
>urging people to let their Members of Congress know that now is the time to
>save the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.