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cooper's hawk responds to barred owl broadcast

While out today with Rob Bierregaard in Charlotte broadcasting for Barred
Owls, a Cooper's Hawk responded vocally and visually to our broadcast.  The
adult Cooper's approached to within about 50 feet and gave the rapid
"kak-kak-kak" call that is said to resemble the call of a Pileated
Woodpecker.  On three out of five stops, we were successful in getting a
response from Barreds.  
One other interesting observation I was privileged to experience was an
interaction between a pair of seemingly territorial Canada geese and a Great
Blue Heron at the pond on the UNCC campus by Brocker Health Center.  The
geese have apparently set up shop for the reproductive season at the pond,
and on Tuesday night I observed them chasing a Great Blue Heron all around
the pond, until it apparently grew weary of having to fly from the geese and
left.  It was also apparent that the heron somehow failed to remember the
weapon attached to the front of its face as it never attempted to hold its
ground, but rather fled upon being approached by the geese.

Eric Harrold
Charlotte, NC