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Wake G. Scaup & E. Grebe

Carolinabirders (or at least Trianglebirders),

I made waterfowl rounds in Wake County this morning:

 At the NCSU dairy pond, the female of the pair of Greater Scaup reported by
Steve Shultz a couple of days ago was still there, but no sign of the male.
Numerous Ruddies, Buffles and Shovelers, and 1 male Ring-necked. Also 3
Pectoral Sandpipers in the grass.

At Greenview, the Tundra Swans (and the GB Herons on nests) were visible
from Lullwater Dr. without trespassing.

At Crabtree, I found one of the Eared Grebes Jeff Pippen reported 3 days
ago. This one was in winter plumage and was travelling with a couple of G-w
Teal out in the middle of the lake, best seen from the boat rental dock.
(Well, actually, best seen from a rental boat, but it was cold and windy and
they were closed anyway.) Also of note at Crabtree a Great Egret, Tree and
N. Rough-winged Swallows.

Good early spring birding,
Dan Kaplan