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volunteer conservation opportunity

Greetings, Carolinabirders-

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is gearing up for another season of our 
conservation project, Birds in Forested Landscapes. We are seeking the 
help  of Carolina of Carolina birders and wildlife professionals. The 
project seeks to understand the relationship between birds and their 
habitat so that land managers can make informed decisions about forested 
landscapes and the birds depend upon. This year, we've expanded BFL to 
include some 50 species; in the past, we've focused only on thrushes and 
Cooper's and Sharp-shinned hawks. Results from a similar study, Project 
Tanager, resulted in a publication now available from the Lab, "Land 
Manager's Guide to Improving Habitat for Scarlet Tanagers and Other 
Forest-Interior Birds," available at 

We also are in dire need of data about Golden-winged Warblers in North 
Carolina. If you can participate in the Golden-winged Warbler Atlas 
project, you would be making a big difference for this species of high 
conservation concern. GOWAP engages birders and professional biologists to 
survey and conduct point counts at known and potential breeding sites of 
Golden-winged Warblers.

Last year, only 4 people in NC sent in BFL data (and no one in SC); for 
GOWAP, 2 NC participants returned their data and only 1 in SC. If you are 
one of these people, thank you! If you can get involved, email me privately 
for more info. You can also learn more about BFL at 
http://birds.cornell.edu/bfl  and GOWAP at http://birds.cornell.edu/gowap 
All project material is sent free of charge. Both are a great way to gain 
field experience and can be easily worked into field work you may already 
be conducting. Please share this with other birders, biologists, and anyone 
else you think may be interested in helping out with BFL and/or GOWAP.

Allison Wells
Communications and Outreach Director
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 254-2475