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New Road on 4-1

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, April Fool's Day, Gary Phillips and I birded this AM at New Road
and the Conway Sewage Ponds. 48 species were encountered. The highlights were:
Little Blue Heron-1 adult in at the edge of the first sewage pond
White Ibis-20 very high overhead
Wood Duck-1 male flew out of swamp
AM. BLACK DUCK-3 flew over the sewage ponds-I don't recall ever seeing
Black Duck there
Red-shouldered Hawk-3 a pair nest in the area
Red-tailed Hawk-2
Am. Kestrel-1
Am. Coot-9 still there
Bonaparte's Gull-1 the last of the wintering group
Red-headed Woodpecker-3
N. Rough-winged Swallow-2
Barn Swallow-1
Marsh Wren-1 still at the edge of the first sewage pond 
White-eyed Vireo-7
Yellow-throated Vireo-1
RED-EYED VIREO-1 first of the year heard weakly singing
among the five species of warbler were:
N. Parula
RUSTY BLACKBIRD-about 30 very close to the road, good views both males and
females but most seemed to be males.  A few with rusty backs.

Good birding, good company

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC