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Re: Yaupon Hollies

Joshua Stuart Rose wrote:
> Kate and other Carolinabirders,
> The Latin name of the Yaupon Holly comes from the fact that the berries
> make humans vomit; it was apparently used for this purpose by native
> Americans. 

	Actually, the leaves (not the berries) were roasted and then boiled to
make a strong "tea" which was consumed hot, in great quantities, during
celebrations or before special events.  When accompanied by dancing or
other excitement, this concoction wouldn't stay in the stomach for very
long before its emetic effects caused violent vomiting.  In many primal
cultures, vomiting as a result of consuming an emetic herb was a ritual
cleansing practice.
	Early colonists used yaupon leaves when imported tea was not available.
Apparently this was quite common during the Revolutionary War period,
especially in the interior communities far from coastal ports.

	Bill Sanderson
	Asheville, NC