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Southern Horry County

Hi Carolinabirders,
	This morning Gary Phillips and the roads to two landings in southern Horry
County, SC.  Forty species and a number of year birds (in caps)for one or
both of us.
1. Cattle Egret-seen by Gary as I was driving
2. White Ibis-large flock high overhead
3. Black Vulture
4. Turkey Vulture
5. Mourning Dove
6. Yellow-billed Cuckoo-heard only
7. Barred Owl-flew across the road
8. Red-bellied Woodpecker
9. Downy Woodpecker
10. Pileated Woodpecker-heard only
12. Purple Martin
13. Tree Swallow
14. Blue Jay
15. Fish Crow
16. Carolina Chickadee
17. Tufted Titmouse
18. Carolina Wren
19. Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3
20. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-lots
21. E. Bluebird
22. Hermit Thrush-1
23. WOOD THRUSH-1 heard only     
24. Brown Thrasher-3
25. White-eyed Vireo-fair number
26. Blue-headed Vireo-3 singing
27. Red-eyed Vireo-1 heard singing
28. N. Parula-good numbers
29. Yellow-rumped Warbler-still the most common around
30. Yellow-throated Warbler-a few singing
31. Pine Warbler
32. Prairie Warbler-a few heard by Gary
33. Black and White Warbler-about 10 singing
34. PROTHONOTARY WARBLER-good numbers singing
35. Common Yellowthroat-2 a male singing and a female seen
36. HOODED WARBLER-at least two heard singing
37. N. Cardinal
38. E. Towhee-a few
39. White-throated Sparrow-some
40. E. Meadowlark-a few flying from a field
41. Common Grackle-some
42  Brown-headed Cowbird



Jack Peachey
Conway, SC