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Broad-winged Hawk, Conway, SC

Hi y'all,
    This afternoon while walking across the K-Mart parking lot, I saw 2
adult BWHA (that stands for Broad-winged Hawk) sail by on a northerly
heading! A few Ring-billed Gulls and a crow of the silent-type were moving
in the same direction.  Like that Peachey fella sez, "Sometimes, you have to
look up."
    However, I should advise against doing much of that while operating a
motor vehicle.
    Great Crested Flycatcher made it back to the neighborhood this
afternoon. And, at 7:46 p.m. a trio of Chimney Swifts disappeared
into...what else? Our chimney.
    Still have a ton of Chippies, a number of White-throats and at least 3
juncos scarfing seed here. Too many Brown-headed Cowbirds have arrived on
the scene as well.
    The odyssey continues: 197.


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Only under the condition of ordeal may I recover the sparrow." (Walker