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New Yard Bird Is A Lifer

    I stepped outside this morning before going to work and heard a Northern 
Parula -first of the year and a week earlier than previously recorded here in 
the yard. Went back inside to get the binoculars to spot the Parula and see 
what else I could find. Went down to the creek and there above my head in a 
sweet gum was a Worm-eating Warbler, a lifer for me (#460 for my ABA area 
list and #128 for the yard list). I got additional good looks at it after it 
moved into the cat briars out in the marsh next to the backyard. Other birds 
new for the 2001 yard list included Red-eyed Vireo (3 weeks earlier than 
previously recorded for the yard), Broad-winged Hawk, Great-crested 
Flycatcher and Green Heron. I also saw a Waterthrush in the marsh but only 
got a brief look at it bobbing its rearend and could not determine which 
species, though the habitat would be better for Northern than for Louisiana. 
Perhaps I will get another chance tomorrow, as it is a hopital holiday and I 
don't have to work. Cheers.

Steve Tracy
Gastonia, NC