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Re: Santee Coastal Reserve 4-21-01

Hi y'all,
    Visited SCR with a birding tour-de-force from the northern half of
Carolina today. Hmmm...that musta been you we saw in the parking lot, Ken.
We had a few "others" from the Marsh Trail and a most beautimous pair of
Swallow-tailed Kites and an Indigo Bunting next door at Santee Delta.
Additions to Ken's list (which had a few we missed) include:

Bald Eagle - adult and sub-adults
N. Rough-winged Swallow - a pair zipping around at eye level at the
maintainence shop and perching underneath a truck!
Carolina Wren
N. Parula
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prothonotary W. - if truth is beauty, these were the truth y'all.
Common Yellowthroat
Bachman's Sparrow - several singing near the reserve entrance. eventually
seen by all.
Song Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
    Also, Swainson's Warbler singing at Huntington Beach State Park
(carriage Path near the alligator pond) early a.m.
    Added Black-necked Stilt, Bachman's Sp., and E. Wood-Peewee for the
    Odyssey update: 207.


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Only under the condition of ordeal may I recover the sparrow." (Walker
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Allen <kena@gte.net>
To: Carolinabirds <carolinabirds@acpub.duke.edu>
Date: Saturday, April 21, 2001 6:07 PM
Subject: Santee Coastal Reserve 4-21-01

>I went back to the reserve today and walked the entire bike / hike trail.
>The number of shorebirds was way down from last week. The number of species
>was slightly higher with 65, and enough variety to keep me interested. Most
>satisfying sighting of the day for me was a pair of Great Horned Owls.
>Todays list follows.
>Pied-billed Grebe
>Brown Pelican
>Double-crested Cormorant
>Great Blue Heron
>Great Egret
>Snowy Egret
>Little Blue Heron
>Tricolored Heron
>Green Heron
>Black-crowned Night Heron
>White Ibis
>Glossy Ibis
>Wood Stork
>Black Vulture
>Turkey Vulture
>Blue-winged Teal
>Mottled Duck
>Northern Harrier
>Sharp-shinned Hawk
>Red-tailed Hawk
>Common Moorhen
>American Coot
>Greater Yellowlegs
>Lesser Yellowlegs
>Short-billed Dowitcher
>Black-necked Stilt
>Laughing Gull
>Royal Tern
>Forster's Tern
>Mourning Dove
>Great Horned Owl
>Red-bellied Woodpecker
>Downy Woodpecker
>Red-cockaded Woodpecker
>Northern Flicker
>Pileated Woodpecker
>Eastern Wood-Peewee
>Great Crested Flycatcher
>Eastern Kingbird
>White-eyed Vireo
>Blue Jay
>American Crow
>Fish Crow
>Tree Swallow
>Carolina Chickadee
>Tufted Titmouse
>Marsh Wren
>Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
>Eastern Bluebird
>Brown Thrasher
>Yellow-rumped Warbler
>Pine Warbler
>Summer Tanager
>Eastern Towhee
>Chipping Sparrow
>Savannah Sparrow
>Northern Cardinal
>Red-winged Blackbird
>Common Grackle
>Boat-tailed Grackle
>Orchard Oriole
>American Goldfinch
>Ken Allen
>Temple Terrace, FL