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Huntington Beach State Park, 4-22

Hi ya'll,
    As I was heading out this a.m., heard a Wood Thrush singing and
proceeded to track it down. Kinda exciting, since they nested regularly in
our neighborhood until 2 years ago; maybe I'll get to listen to those
evening concerts again.     Arrived late at HBSP this a.m. and birded a bit
with that NC juggernaut near the jetty and behind the dunes. A Red-throated
Loon, 3 fly-by Red-breasted Merganser, lotsa Willet (a nest w/eggs was
discovered) a few Whimbrel, Wilson's, Semipalmated and one Piping Plover,
Spotted Sandpiper, yellowlegs, a number of faraway terns with Royal, Common,
Sandwich, and Least seen well, and a few Osprey.
    After parting company, I went down to the Marsh Boardwalk and found the
most beautimous Painted Bunting (seen by the others earlier in the a.m.)
singing away. Hope he's not too put off by the building they've put in the
middle of his turf.

Odyssey update: 211.


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Only under the condition of ordeal may I recover the sparrow." (Walker