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Re: feather ID

I'm not suggesting that the feds would (or should) prosecute people who find
a few feathers in the woods and save them.  My point wasn't how well (or
not) federal regulations are enforced.  However, the Migratory Bird Treaty
Act is one of the few laws that protects birds whose populations are, in
many cases, shrinking alarmingly.  There are obvious reasons why possessing
wild birds or parts thereof is illegal.  I think it's something that we as
birders and, one hopes, conservationists, ought to celebrate, respect, and

Janine Perlman
Hillsborough, NC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eagan, Michael" <MEagan@stantec.com>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 7:53 AM
Subject: RE: feather ID

> And we all know that the Feds regulate this sort of appropriation very
> closely, as they do most of the regulations they are enforcing!  There
> my secret supply of fly-tying materials, guess I will have to have a
> bon-fire tonight to destroy the evidence.......(not federally
> permitted..lol)
> Michael P. Eagan