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Birds in Johnston/Wayne Co.

Yesterday, April 26, John Finnegan and I canoes several areas in
Johnston Co. -- the Neuse from Richardson Bridge down to Ferry Bridge in
Wayne Co., and Holt's Lake.

Along the Neuse, we heard most of the summer resident birds, with the
best being 3 Swainson's Warbler -- two in Wayne County. Lots of Orchard
Orioles near the river, meaning lots of clearcut areas in Johnston --
not what I had hoped to see! We flushed Wood Ducks and a few Cormorants. 

At Holt's Lake, we saw two Osprey nests, one of which seemed to be
active; at least, one adult perched on a nest. We saw 3 adults, so maybe
one was a migrant. We saw a colony of about 10 old Great Blue Heron
nests, but no birds. Maybe boat disturbance has moved the colony
elsewhere, but as the number of beavers and beaverponds continue to
increase, there is little shortage of GBH nesting sites now. We had one
or two cormorants, a Green Heron, Wood Ducks, Canada Geese, Mallards
(yes, the latter two are nesting on every body of water). We also saw an
adult with an immature Bald Eagle soaring overhead. The species nests at
Buckhorn Reservoir, and we saw no nest at the lake. These could have
been migrant up from Florida, or from wherever, but I don't think they
nest at this lake. I was hoping to find an Anhinga, as the lake looks
right for nesting -- except for being at the far inner edge of the
Coastal Plain. (There are lots of scattered bald-cypress in the lake).

And, driving around in the county, we managed to see SIX Loggerhead
Shrikes, plus two more in Wayne along Stevens Mill Road. Eight shrikes
in a day is a very good day for me, especially as I only saw 4-8 all of
2000 driving around Johnston. I have no idea what has caused this
"increase", but I assume these are breeders. Maybe I simply didn't drive
these same roads last year. 

We plan to canoe the long stretch of the river from Smithfield down to
Howell Woods next week, with the target of finding Cerulean Warbler. We
shall see.

Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net