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McClosky Road, Fayetteville, 4/30/01

     This morning my wife had to leave early for work, so we got up at 
3:30 a.m.  I dressed for the office as usual and then headed for 
McClosky Road and the Nature Conservancy tract a few minutes after 5. 
I heard some birds that I don't usually hear, including 
whip-poor-wills, chuck-wills-widows, and a barred owl.  I headed back 
home about 7:15 to get another cup of coffee before I went in to 
work, but I stopped one place where I heard small birds.  A very 
large bird way up in a pine screamed its displeasure at my arrival 
and sailed away--no chance for morre than a glimpse.  So I simply 
thought about that scream and where I'd heard it before.  Later in 
the day I remembered, so I pulled out my bird calls cd and checked: 
red-tailed hawk.
     My list for McClosky Road is growing slowly.  Some of the area 
that I can see from the road is open pine woods with grass under the 
trees.  In other areas there are hardwood thickets that are very 
dense.  Near Ramsey Street there is an area of succession pine that 
is very dense.  I've only found two drains so far, one near the 
barrier at the west end and the other close to Ramsey Street outside 
the boundary of the Conservancy land.  Elsewhere the road is on high 
ground. The woods appear to be quite dry, but there may be wet spots 
in some of the thickets.  There is low ground north of McClosky Road, 
but the tract is posted, so I can't explore.

Robert C. Perkins, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Methodist College, Fayetteville, NC 28311
910-630-7037     rperkins@methodist.edu