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B Orioles, flycatchers, etc

The Baltimore Orioles have returned to Beaver Lake.  There were two males 
having a territorial battle near the trail that goes along the lake.  The two 
battlers along with the Warbling Vireo, an Orchard Oriole, a couple of 
Kingbirds, a couple of BH Nuthatches, and hoards of swallows were all along 
the lake where there is a big tree stump in the middle of the path.
   Flycatchers are also coming in.  Along with the Kingbirds and GC Flycatcher 
which came in earlier, there was an Acadian at the Arboretum yesterday and a 
Peewee there today.  Bob tells me that Least have returned to Haywood County.  
Willow should be in by this weekend and always last to arrive Alder usually 
get here after the middle of May.  Of course if I lived where they do (at 5000 
ft)I wouldn't come back until then either.
  There are still plenty of northern breeding sparrows around.  White-throats, 
White-crowns, and Swamp have all been singing vigorously.  Of course the WT 
and WC sing all winter anyway, but they are more persistent now.  I imagine 
they will all be leaving pretty soon, though.
Marilyn Westphal
Hendersonville, NC - southern NC mountains