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my pitiful birdathon effort

Hi y'all,
    Was out of town this weekend, so my "birdathon" started at 9:30 a.m.
Monday (as soon as the Rose-breasted Grosbeak showed at the feeder) and
ended this morning. Nothing really spectacular, I missed a bunch of birds,
yadda, yadda, yadda. BUT, I did get 11 spp. of warblers from 6:30 - 9:30
a.m. today on the raod to Punchpole Landing on the Little Pee Dee in western
Horry County. That's a pretty sporty warbler day in the Independent Republic
of Horry, y'all! All were seen exc. Swainson's (he was where he's been the
last two weeks...yawn.) Had another singing a bit farther down the road.

N. Parula
Black-throated Blue
Black-and-white (is it just me, or are there a zillion of these things this
Prothonotary - (be hard to convince anybody these guys could be looking into
the abyss. there were about a million of 'em.)
Swainson's (on territory for at least 2 weeks, now with a rival down the
Magnolia (first breeding plumaged, singing male for me!)
Worm-eating (new state and county bird! appeared that these guys were
staking claims. now i'm curious.)

    Summer tanagers, Orchard Oriole, Wood Thrush galore. An obliging Common
Nighthawk over a local grocery store during a beverage run last nite.
    Surprisingly not a Cattle Egret in sight...but then, the cows were out
of sight today as well.

Now, to collect da cash....


Gary Phillips
Conway, SC
 Zone 8
"Only under the condition of ordeal may I recover the sparrow." (Walker