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Re: rose breasted grosbeak; bluebirds

Me, too! Rose breasted grosbeak male!  Such a lovely sight along with a
scarlet tanager in tulip popular tree and fledgling bluebirds in nearby tree
being feed by Ms.and Mr.  We cleaned out the box (the one that we have been
watching through scope for weeks and that many of you wonderful folks helped
us through our "first time parents" problems) and now Ms. Bluebird is
already starting to build another nest.

Is this the norm?  I thought she would be too busy feeding the five ( I hope
5 since no eggs left in nest) young and training them.  The male seems to be
doing a lot of the feeding, so it could be that he has to do more work now.
Mary A. McDaniel
Charlotte, NC

From: "barbara brooks" <brooksba@mindspring.com>
Subject: rose breasted grosbeak

> I finally had one on my feeder this morning and after I filled it this
> afternoon.  A treat for me as they don't come too often.  Barb Brooks
> Hillsborough nc  brooksba@mindspring.com