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Drove up to Max Patch today.  The gravel road is full of birds along the
way in the fields and in the woods.  Of course, the old standbys are
there but I was also treated to: indigo buntings, brown thrasher,
redstart, LOTS of catbirds, blue grosbeak, golden-winged warblers,
yellow warbler, goldfinches, towhees, barn swallows, least flycatchers,
phoebes, wren (house, me thinks..def. not Carolina), chestnut sided
warblers, chipping sparrows, black and white warblers, black throated
blues, scarlet tanagers, blackburnian warblers, broad-winged hawks,
field sparrows, red-eyed vireos, pileated woodpecker, r.bellied
woodpecker, bluebirds, and meadowlarks.

A few miles (?) before you get to the gravel road is a road to the right
called Sugar Cove.  Between there and the next farmhouse on the right
are two fields where lots of meadowlarks were displaying.  I drove up
Sugar Cove on the way back hoping to see a bobolink amongst them (no
luck) and to look at a cabin where some friends used to live.  As I was
turning around in the driveway I was stunned to have a golden-wing
suddenly land on a branch beside the car.  He serenaded me for almost
two minutes as I held my breath that he wouldn't be startled and fly
into the car!!!!

Connie Ward
Maggie Valley, NC